How to Say “When” in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning a new language can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, and Spanish is no exception. As one of the most spoken languages in the

Feni Rutcher

Learning a new language can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, and Spanish is no exception. As one of the most spoken languages in the world, mastering Spanish opens up a world of opportunities. One essential word in any language is “when,” as it helps us navigate time and understand the sequence of events. In this article, we will explore various ways to say “when” in Spanish, providing you with a comprehensive guide to enhance your language skills.


When it comes to asking “when” in Spanish, the most common and straightforward way is to use the word “cuándo.” This term is used in questions to inquire about specific time or occasions. For example, you can ask “¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?” meaning “When is your birthday?”

Asking About Time

The word “cuándo” is particularly useful when you want to ask about the time of an event or activity. For instance, you can ask “¿Cuándo empieza la película?” which means “When does the movie start?” or “¿Cuándo llegas a la fiesta?” which translates to “When do you arrive at the party?” By using “cuándo” in these questions, you can gather information about specific moments in time.

Asking About Occasions

In addition to time, “cuándo” is also used to inquire about occasions or events. For example, you can ask “¿Cuándo es la boda?” which means “When is the wedding?” or “¿Cuándo comienza el concierto?” which translates to “When does the concert begin?” These questions allow you to gather information about upcoming events or important dates.

En qué momento

Another way to express “when” in Spanish is by using the phrase “en qué momento.” This phrase is especially useful when you want to ask someone about a particular moment or event. For instance, you can ask “¿En qué momento te diste cuenta?” meaning “When did you realize?”

Referring to Specific Events

By using “en qué momento,” you can inquire about the exact timing of a specific event or action. For example, you can ask “¿En qué momento llegaste a casa?” which means “When did you arrive home?” or “¿En qué momento comenzó la conferencia?” which translates to “When did the conference start?” These questions help you understand the precise moment when something occurred.

Asking About Realizations or Epiphanies

“En qué momento” can also be used to ask about realizations or epiphanies. For instance, you can ask “¿En qué momento te diste cuenta de tu error?” meaning “When did you realize your mistake?” or “¿En qué momento supiste que querías ser actor?” which translates to “When did you know you wanted to be an actor?” These questions allow you to explore the specific moment when someone had a significant realization or understanding.

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A qué hora

If you are specifically interested in knowing the time something will occur or has occurred, you can use the phrase “a qué hora.” This phrase is commonly used to ask questions like “¿A qué hora empieza la película?” meaning “What time does the movie start?”

Asking About Scheduled Events

The phrase “a qué hora” is particularly useful when you want to inquire about the scheduled time of an event or activity. For example, you can ask “¿A qué hora es la reunión?” which means “What time is the meeting?” or “¿A qué hora sale el tren?” which translates to “What time does the train leave?” These questions help you gather information about specific times in relation to planned activities.

Asking About Past Events

Not only can “a qué hora” be used to ask about future events, but it can also be employed to inquire about past events. For instance, you can ask “¿A qué hora llegaste a la fiesta?” which means “What time did you arrive at the party?” or “¿A qué hora terminó la película?” which translates to “What time did the movie end?” These questions allow you to gather information about specific times in relation to completed activities.

Cuando + Subjunctive

In Spanish, you can also use the conjunction “cuando” followed by the subjunctive form of a verb to express “when” in certain contexts. This construction is often used to indicate a hypothetical or future event. For example, “Cuando tengas tiempo, llama a tu madre” translates to “When you have time, call your mother.”

Expressing Hypothetical Situations

By using “cuando” followed by the subjunctive form of a verb, you can express hypothetical situations or conditions. For example, you can say “Cuando sea rico, viajaré por el mundo” which means “When I am rich, I will travel the world.” or “Cuando termine los estudios, buscaré trabajo” which translates to “When I finish my studies, I will look for a job.” These constructions allow you to discuss possibilities or potential future events.

Referring to Future Events

“Cuando” followed by the subjunctive form of a verb can also be used to discuss future events. For instance, you can say “Cuando llegues a casa, prepararé la cena” which means “When you arrive home, I will prepare dinner.” or “Cuando termine de trabajar, descansaré un poco” which translates to “When I finish working, I will rest for a while.” These constructions help you discuss future plans or actions in relation to specific circumstances.

Después de

When referring to an event that will occur after a specific moment or action, you can use the phrase “después de.” This term is equivalent to “after” in English and helps express the concept of time sequencing. For instance, you can say “Voy a comer después de la reunión” meaning “I will eat after the meeting.”

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Sequencing Events

Using “después de” allows you to establish the order of events and specify what will occur after a particular action or moment. For example, you can say “Después de estudiar, saldré con mis amigos” which means “After studying, I will go out with my friends.” or “Después de trabajar, iré al gimnasio” which translates to “After work, I will go to the gym.” These phrases help you communicate the sequence of events and actions in relation to time.

Referring to Time Gaps

“Después de” can also be used to refer to time gaps between events or activities. For instance, you can say “Después de dos horas, finalmente llegué” which means “After two hours, I finally arrived.” or “Después de varios días, el paquete finalmente llegó” which translates to “After several days, the package finally arrived.” These phrases help you describe the duration of time between two events or actions.

Antes de

On the other hand, if you want to talk about something that will happen before a particular time or action, you can use the phrase “antes de.” This term translates to “before” in English and helps establish the order of events. For example, you can say “Estudia antes de salir” meaning “Study before you go out.”

Prioritizing Actions

By using “antes de,” you can emphasize the importance of completing a specific action before proceeding to another. For instance, you can say “Lava los platos antes de ver televisión” which means “Wash the dishes before watching TV.” or “Haz tus tareas antes de jugar videojuegos” which translates to “Do your homework before playing video games.” These phrases help you prioritize actions and establish the necessary sequence of events.

Referring to Deadlines

“Antes de” can also be used to refer to deadlines or specific times when something needs to be completed. For example, you can say “Entrega el informe antes de las cinco de la tarde” which means “Submit the report before five o’clock in the afternoon.” or “Compra los boletos antes del concierto” which translates to “Buy the tickets before the concert.” These phrases help you communicate time constraints and the necessity of completing tasks before a specific deadline.

En cuanto

“En cuanto” is a useful phrase in Spanish when you want to express “as soon as” or “once” in English. It helps convey the idea of immediate action after a specific event. For instance, you can say “En cuanto llegues a casa, avísame” meaning “Once you arrive home, let me know.”

Immediate Actions

Using “en cuanto” allows you to express the need for immediate action or response after a specific event or condition. For example, you can say “En cuanto termines de comer, podemos ir al cine” which means “Once you finish eating,we can go to the movies.” or “En cuanto encuentres las llaves, saldremos de casa” which translates to “As soon as you find the keys, we will leave the house.” These phrases help you emphasize the urgency or immediacy of an action following a particular event or condition.

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Conditional Statements

“En cuanto” can also be used to express conditional statements, indicating that an action will occur once a specific condition is met. For instance, you can say “En cuanto llegue el paquete, te lo enviaré” which means “Once the package arrives, I will send it to you.” or “En cuanto termine de trabajar, tomaré unas vacaciones” which translates to “As soon as I finish working, I will take a vacation.” These phrases help you establish the cause-and-effect relationship between a condition and an action.


To indicate a starting point or the moment something began, you can use the term “desde.” This word allows you to express “since” or “from” in English. For example, you can say “Trabajo desde las nueve de la mañana” meaning “I work from nine in the morning.”

Referring to Time Periods

Using “desde” allows you to specify the starting point of a time period or activity. For instance, you can say “Estudio desde el lunes” which means “I have been studying since Monday.” or “Vivo aquí desde hace tres años” which translates to “I have been living here for three years.” These phrases help you communicate the duration or span of time that has passed since a particular starting point.

Expressing Origins or Origins

“Desde” can also be used to express origins or the starting point of a journey. For example, you can say “Vengo desde México” which means “I come from Mexico.” or “Viajo desde Madrid hasta Barcelona” which translates to “I am traveling from Madrid to Barcelona.” These phrases help you convey the point of origin or departure in relation to a specific location or destination.


When you want to talk about the duration of an event or the moment it ends, you can use the word “hasta.” This term translates to “until” in English and helps establish the time frame. For instance, you can say “La tienda está abierta hasta las diez de la noche” meaning “The store is open until ten in the evening.”

Specifying Time Limits

Using “hasta” allows you to specify the time limit or duration of an event or activity. For example, you can say “Trabajo hasta las seis de la tarde” which means “I work until six in the evening.” or “El plazo para enviar el informe es hasta el viernes” which translates to “The deadline to submit the report is until Friday.” These phrases help you communicate the specific time when an event or activity concludes.

Expressing Boundaries or Limits

“Hasta” can also be used to express boundaries or limits in a broader sense. For instance, you can say “No puedo esperar hasta mañana” which means “I can’t wait until tomorrow.” or “No puedo caminar hasta allí” which translates to “I can’t walk until there.” These phrases help you establish limits or boundaries in terms of time, distance, or other factors.

In conclusion, understanding how to say “when” in Spanish is essential for effective communication and comprehension of time-related concepts. By mastering these various phrases and constructions, you will be better equipped to ask questions, express preferences, and navigate conversations in Spanish. Practice using these expressions in everyday situations, and soon you’ll find yourself confidently incorporating them into your language skills.

¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

Feni Rutcher

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